WI Regulations
2017 Wisconsin Act 46
Creates section 94.36 under Plant Industry Regulations and defines the record keeping requirements and penalties for violating the prohibition against planting uncertified seed. Effective January 1, 2018, all farms planting 5 or more acres of potatoes in Wisconsin are required to purchase certified seed potatoes. Through the USDA APHIS State National Harmonization Plan (SNHP) the State of Wisconsin-Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection recognizes all certification programs that are signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding between states.
Wisconsin Chapter ATCP 156 Certified Seed Potato Legislative Rule
The college recognizes the following States as origins of foundation seed provided the certification by another State meets the equivalency to Wisconsin’s certification program under ATCP 156.02(5): Alaska, California, Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming. Seed entering Wisconsin for recertification must be pre-approved by the college ATCP 156.03(e). The college certification program also recognizes certification by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) under the same terms of equivalency.
Limited Generation Certified Seed Potato Field Planting Equivalency Table
Table presents generation nomenclature used when describing years in the filed among seed certifying agencies.
Wisconsin Certification Tolerance Table
Table provides tolerances for certified and foundation seed potato classes in Wisconsin.
All files updated on 2/23/18